💡 Your best ideas may not be where you think 💡

Biomimicry Frontiers
2 min readApr 20, 2021

“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels” — Albert Einstein

As spring nears, traditionally a time for renewal, many of us are thinking ahead. Examining the best way forward as we reflect on the challenges we face both in our personal lives and collectively as a society and how our current problems lack precedents for how to solve them. And we know that if we keep pulling from old ways of thinking that we won’t solve the root problem. So, how can we begin to address these wicked problems with new creativity? We need fresh thinking, new ideas, and different ways of seeing.

Now may be an opportune time to push innovative thinking to solve these challenges to shift how we address problems. The best way forward? Start with the ‘Why’. At Biomimicry Frontiers, we are focused on nature and studying it as a textbook of ideas for how to thrive on this planet. Nature has been refining solutions for billions of years, they are time-tested and true. There is an opportunity to tap into this genius through Biomimicry.

Nature runs only on sunlight | Renewable Energy

Nature recycles everything | Circular Economy

Nature builds from bottom-up | Additive Manufacturing

In our upcoming spring course, we give you the tools to explore natural principles and examine ways to enhance your creativity and your ability to use a biomimetic lens to solve challenges. By showing you how to creatively step outside of your comfort zone you can begin to harness the genius of nature.

Biomimicry is about looking at the world differently.

Biomimicry is about contemplating the mindset that we use to solve problems.

Biomimicry is about examining our assumptions, beliefs, biases, and paradigms.

Biomimicry is learning to build naturally by thinking naturally.

Biomimicry as a term has been used for decades, but not many people and companies are leveraging its complete potential. We all have access to millions of potential world-changing solutions that we fail to notice in our surroundings; solutions that we don’t see because we are not looking for them; solutions that we don’t see because we don’t know how to look for them.

Let us teach you how. Let us start this journey together. Join the Commons today.



Biomimicry Frontiers

Biomimicry Frontiers is focused on sustainability consulting and strategic planning. We work to create resilient solutions through the application of biomimicry